Saturday, November 12, 2011

Une entreprise indépendante mènera des contrôles inopinés - Swisscom

Une entreprise indépendante mènera des contrôles inopinés - Swisscom

J'aime beaucoup la Coop, pas totalement la viande, mais je sais que les employés de certaines origines ont toujours trouvé des combines pour un certain commerce extérieur. They have inside knowledge and inside know how to implement their income. Whether they steal or don't steal is not the problem. Most of the people know who they are and somehow devine how these people go about making their fortune by working in the distribution of merchandise. For those people the out of date merchandise is always tempting.

I buy a lot of yoghurt, and usually I eat them plentifully out of date. The same with my teas. They sometimes are age old. Even if I don't like the tea type, I can't give them away to people who might believe I want to poison them with out of date merchandise. So I keep them and drink them slowly even though they are out of date. The only thing that I am sure about is that I shall never buy any more perfumed teas if I can prevent it. My favorite teas with people and hotels were the black teas I drank in Scotland and in Egypt. I am a coffee person who also likes good non perfumed teas.

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