Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trains bondés: un nouveau règlement des CFF pour gagner de la place - Swisscom

Trains bondés: un nouveau règlement des CFF pour gagner de la place - Swisscom

How do you do, Mr. M. ? WHERE is Switzerland at its best? The young people don't care or seem to work, but they have the big car, the big apartment, all the time of the world. and we... The oldies die sooner or later. When oldies have no money , they don't go to the dentist etc. etc... So like your country for its small values. Give bureaucrats less household ... The new young people don't work at all any more and particularly not in the hard working style, they dont even have any real talent, but they know how to get everything .... from the establishment. And this is their real talent ... in this wonderful honest world you have created. In the late years of my employment in your particular ONG.  An employer like you thought that non secretarial employees were dishonest in their functioning, but the only employees that could have been truely dishonest were those employees that had their own transport company like so many of the Portuguese employees, a single employee may take a bloc-note privately for work, but when the whole delivery of bloc notes disappears, either the organizations made a mistake , or the transport company employee of the organization organized his household  "avec le soutien de la direction".  This concerns the style of cheating or stealing.  An employee can take a bloc for company or his personal notes, "mais jamais une palette de blocs d'une entreprise". C'est seulement une entreprise crée par l'organisation qui peut prendre une palette entière. I don't believe in your value system, Mr. M..  My value in the Moody systen for your values  is C minus.

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